An extract from the Chapter 14 is following in this entry. PLEASE MIND: The following extract is NOT the beginning of the Chapter 14. It is in the middle of it. Enjoy & hope you like it.
"Jared shouted: BITE MY DUST! (Everyone turned around to look at him) Sophie: The fact that you made it first to the cashier, doesn’t mean we will not buy our groceries. Okay, go on, you’re first on the line. Jared: What do you mean? I won so you’re not…. Super-market assistant: Can you give me your things, sir? We’ve got some work to do. Jared looked at the assistant. Jared: Oh yeah sure, let me get my wallet. Jared opened his wallet. He searched for dollars but he only found euros. Jared: No way, I used my wallet yesterday, I had dollars in that wallet, what happ… Anna started giggling. Jared: OH NO YOU DIDN’T! Muna, Sophie & Anna burst into tears from laughter. Sophie: Please sir, step back, there are people waiting for you in the line. Jared gave an awkward smile to the people who were waiting for him to leave. Jared to the girls: I will kill you at home. Jared to the assistant: Cancel the…you know…I don’t have my money so…you get it…well… Super-market assistant: Yeah, right, we get it, now walk away."